Online resources

There are lots of other fabulous resources that you can access online that link with the ‘time to talk’ key messages.

The BBC have created Tiny Happy People which has lots of beautifully made videos, articles, quizzes and more to explore.

The government has also launched a resource called Hungry Little Minds which provides activity ideas and films with ideas of ways to stimulate children’s speech, language and communication development.

We have selected some of our favourites from these resources that link to our key messages.

Being face to face

It’s never too early to start a conversation. Look at this beautiful clip of a dad and a baby having a chat. Watch how connected they are – they are completely tuned in to each other. This is laying really strong foundations for the baby’s emotions.

Following your child’s lead

This is one of the best ways to build your child’s attention and listening skills. If you follow what they are looking at or touching, you are joining in with their focus. This help them to stay focused for longer. Have a look at this video with some fabulous examples.

You are also supporting their emotional development by showing them that you are interested, that you have time for them, and that they matter.

Keeping it simple

Babies learn from conversation, and they learn most when the language they hear is at their level – not too much, and not too quick! This clip shows lots of lovely examples of adults modelling language and keeping it simple. This video shows some families looking at books together and keeping their language simple.

Adding words

Everyday routines are a great time to chat. Click here to see a lovely video about a face to face chat during a nappy change. Even a chore like doing the washing up can be a time to hear lots of words.

Repeat, repeat, repeat

We know that repetition helps children to learn. Singing rhymes and songs is a great way to keep children’s interest – they often like to hear the same song over and over (and over!) again! They learn to recognise the rhythm, the actions as well as the words.

There are lots more videos online. You might have a look at this guide to ‘serve and return’ interaction. You’ll see lots of tips about tuning it to your child’s signals.