Cluster Meetings

‘time to talk’™ cluster meetings
We continue to support Speech and Language Champions who are implementing ‘time to talk’™ within their settings. Cluster meetings will be held across three localities throughout the year with the aims:
 To provide up to date information and ongoing professional development.
 To showcase good practice and share ideas.
 To provide opportunities to network with other champions and problem solve challenges together.
 To provide specific support and advice where necessary.
 To empower champions to share what they have learned with their teams in effective ways.

The cluster meeting are held online and last for 1 hour. Practitioners have told us they value time to meet with the ‘time to talk’™ team to discuss practice and ask questions which they have around implementing the ‘time to talk’™ strategy. You can book some time at the end if you have anything that you’d like some individual support with.

Cluster Meeting Networking Activity
Champions busy networking

Open to all ‘time to talk’ champions (new and not-so-new), managers or champions-to-be!

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